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United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Minnesota
Honorable Katherine A. Constantine, Chief Judge • Tricia Pepin, Clerk of Court
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Courtroom Guidance
Court Information
Court Locations
Bankruptcy Practice Committee
Admission to Practice
Access to Court Records
Case Filing Statistics
Open Chapter 11 Cases
Court Holidays
History of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Minnesota
Raeder Larson Public Service Award
Judge Nancy C. Dreher Pro Bono Distinguished Service Award
Rule 5003(e) Register of Addresses
Frequently Asked Questions
Fees Awarded to Trustees and Professionals
Chief Judge Katherine A. Constantine
Judge Michael E. Ridgway
Judge William J. Fisher
Judge Kesha L. Tanabe
Electronic Case Filing
CM/ECF Registration
E-Filing (CM/ECF)
Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC)
Notice of Preferred Address (for creditors)
Administrative Procedures for Attorney Leaving Law Firm
Next Generation CM/ECF
Filing Guidance
Filing Requirements
Attorney Procedures
Filing Without An Attorney
Filing Without An Attorney
Bankruptcy Basics
Credit Counseling Warning
Chapter 7 Process for Debtors without an Attorney
Chapter 13 Process for Debtors without an Attorney
Bankruptcy Advice Clinics
Debtor Help Resources
Submit Creditor Matrix
Code, Rules, Forms and En Banc Orders
U.S. Bankruptcy Code
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures
National Forms
Local Rules
Local Forms
En Banc & Standing Orders
Information for Trustees
Bankruptcy Administration Improvement Act
Courtroom Guidance
Courthouse Electronic Device Policies
Rules for Telephonic Court Appearances
Digital Audio Files for Court Hearings
Electronic Evidence
Transcript Information
Wireless Internet Access
Bankruptcy Basics Glossary
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Court Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Technical Questions
What are the hardware and software requirements for electronic filing with CM/ECF?
What is bankruptcy software?
How do I determine which version of Adobe Acrobat I'm using?
How do I check the file size of a PDF document? What is the max size?
How do I secure PDF fillable forms?
How do I convert a PDF/A document to PDF?
How do I insert scanned documents into a PDF document?
What scanner settings should I use?
How do I pay the filing fee if the screen is blank in CM/ECF?
How do I clear the temporary internet files or cache from my browser?
Why is the PDF document blank when I attempt to open it from the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)?
What is RSS? Where can I get an RSS Reader?
How do I subscribe to the RSS feed in CM/ECF?
Why aren't I receiving emails from the court?
How can I stay up to date with the latest news from the court?
Why do I continue to receive emails from the court after unsubscribing from the email list?