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Administrative Procedures for Attorney Leaving Law Firm

IF... THEN...
If you are leaving a law firm, Update your PACER account.
If you are retaining all of your cases, you need do nothing more.

BUT if your law firm’s employment was subject to approval of the court, review Local Rule 9010-1(e) to determine if you must file a Notice of Substitution of Attorney form, an application to substitute attorneys, or a notice of withdrawal for each case.

If you do not intend to continue practicing in the Minnesota Bankruptcy Court, call the technical help desk at 612-664-5275 to deactivate your CM/ECF account.
If the law firm is retaining some or all of your cases, review Local Rule 9010-1(e) to determine if you must file a Notice of Substitution of Attorney form, an application to substitute attorneys, or a notice of withdrawal in each case.
If you represent a trustee, please call the clerk's office for instruction at 612-664-5200 or 1-866-260-7337.


  • For your protection, you may wish to change your PACER password to prevent anyone from filing with your password/signature or incurring PACER costs.
  • If your firm uses an administrative account for billing purposes, you may need to be removed from the account. PACER Administrative Accounts FAQ.
  • If you have questions about these procedures, call the clerk's office and ask to speak to a supervisor.