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File an Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC)

Creditors are now able to easily create, file, amend or withdraw a Proof of Claim online.  There is no longer a need to register for a limited user account, buy special software, or learn the CM/ECF filing system.  Simply fill out the online form and instantly submit a Proof of Claim to the court.

The ePOC filing system allows creditors to create a Proof of Claim and attach supporting documents.  The claim is filed instantly and assigned a claim number which can be printed or electronically saved.

Electronic Proof of Claim filing instructions (additional FAQ here):

  1. Who is the “Creditor”?
    • The “creditor” is the person to whom the “debtor” owes money.  
  2. Who is the “Debtor”?
    • The “debtor” is the person or entity that filed bankruptcy.
  3. When is the claim filing deadline?
    • Claims must be RECEIVED by the clerk's office (either by mail, in person, or through electronic filing of the proof of claim) by the claims filing deadline identified in the notice of case filing.   
  4. What if I get the following screen after I search my name?
    • Click on the radio button for "Creditor not listed". It will bring you to the next screen shown in Question 5.
  5. How do I complete Part 1, Question 1 of the form?
  6. Do I need to provide any documentation?
    • If you have documents that support your claim, please see the screenshot below. The system will prompt you to attach them once you have submitted the claim form. Please do not submit double sided attachments.
  7. Is my claim secured or priority?
    • This is a legal question. Clerk’s Office employees MAY NOT provide legal advice. Please refer to the Bankruptcy Glossary for more information. If you are still unsure after consulting the glossary, please complete the claim to the best of your ability.
  8. I am filling out the paper claim form. Where can I find it?
    • A link to download the Proof of Claim (Form 410) form can be found here. The claim can be mailed to any of the court's offices. Street addresses for the court's offices can be found here. Please start the address with U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

      Important: If you are filing your claim electronically, do not mail a copy to the clerk's office.

  9. When will I get my money?
    • The Clerk’s Office does not have information on if or when creditors will receive payment.
  10. I do not know the amount that is owed to me. How do I complete question 7?
    • If you do not know the amount owed to you, you may wish to enter “unknown” in the “How much is the claim” field, and provide a brief explanation in the “Comment” field.

File A Claim

 Only choose ONE of the following options:

Option 1: Instantly create and file a Proof of Claim online OR amend an existing claim.
(The EPOC program creates the claim form (Form 410) and allows you to attach supporting documentation. Please do not attach a claim form.)

Option 2: Print a copy of the form to mail to the court.


File A Related Document

File a Claim Supplement (For Mortgage Claims Only!) or Attachment(s) under FRBP 3001(c)(1) and (d)

File a Claim Withdrawal

NOTE: This claim filing process is not available for filing an administrative expense claim. See Local Rule 3002-2.


Practice Filing Proof of Claims on the Court's Training Website

To practice filing in the court's Test Database, use the links below. (Note: This will not file a claim in a Live case.)  Use case number 14-40001.  When finished, return to this page to file a claim in the CM/ECF Live database.

File a Practice Proof of Claim

File a Practice Claim Supplement

File a Practice Claim Withdrawal


ePOC Frequently Asked Questions