Creditors are now able to easily create, file, amend or withdraw a Proof of Claim online. There is no longer a need to register for a limited user account, buy special software, or learn the CM/ECF filing system. Simply fill out the online form and instantly submit a Proof of Claim to the court.
The ePOC filing system allows creditors to create a Proof of Claim and attach supporting documents. The claim is filed instantly and assigned a claim number which can be printed or electronically saved.
Electronic Proof of Claim filing instructions (additional FAQ here):
File A Claim
Only choose ONE of the following options:
Option 1: Instantly create and file a Proof of Claim online OR amend an existing claim.
(The EPOC program creates the claim form (Form 410) and allows you to attach supporting documentation. Please do not attach a claim form.)
Option 2: Print a copy of the form to mail to the court.
File A Related Document
File a Claim Supplement (For Mortgage Claims Only!) or Attachment(s) under FRBP 3001(c)(1) and (d)
NOTE: This claim filing process is not available for filing an administrative expense claim. See Local Rule 3002-2.
Practice Filing Proof of Claims on the Court's Training Website
To practice filing in the court's Test Database, use the links below. (Note: This will not file a claim in a Live case.) Use case number 14-40001. When finished, return to this page to file a claim in the CM/ECF Live database.
File a Practice Proof of Claim
File a Practice Claim Supplement
File a Practice Claim Withdrawal