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Updated fees for copy of petition, schedules and statements

The new bankruptcy petition document, including the petition and all schedules and statements, can be 50 or more pages. Therefore, the fee for a copy of the bankruptcy petition will be updated as follows, effective January 1, 2016:

1. For a paper copy of the entire petition, the fee is 50 cents a page.

2. For an electronic copy of the entire petition in PDF, the fee remains $20.00, irrespective of the number of pages.

Additionally, the fee for a Certificate of Exemption will remain at $11.50, if the attached Schedule C is no more than two pages. However, if the attached Schedule C is more than two pages, the number of pages over two will be charged at the rate of 50 cents per page.

For example:

Certificate, with a one- or two-page Schedule C attachment: Cost is $11.50.

Certificate, with a four-page Schedule C attachment: Cost is $12.50 ($11.50, plus 50 cents per page for the two additional pages).

Publication Date: 
December 28, 2015