The new bankruptcy petition document, including the petition and all schedules and statements, can be 50 or more pages. Therefore, the fee for a copy of the bankruptcy petition will be updated as follows, effective January 1, 2016:
1. For a paper copy of the entire petition, the fee is 50 cents a page.
2. For an electronic copy of the entire petition in PDF, the fee remains $20.00, irrespective of the number of pages.
Additionally, the fee for a Certificate of Exemption will remain at $11.50, if the attached Schedule C is no more than two pages. However, if the attached Schedule C is more than two pages, the number of pages over two will be charged at the rate of 50 cents per page.
For example:
Certificate, with a one- or two-page Schedule C attachment: Cost is $11.50.
Certificate, with a four-page Schedule C attachment: Cost is $12.50 ($11.50, plus 50 cents per page for the two additional pages).