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Notice: The U.S. Bankruptcy Court is currently in the process of migrating from its Electronic Records System (ERS) to the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system


The U.S. Bankruptcy Court is currently in the process of migrating from its Electronic Records System (ERS) to the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system. This transition is currently internal and does not affect ERS filing. The move to the CM/ECF system will occur sometime after March 2005. The Court will periodically update users on the transition and will offer both online and hands-on training for attorneys and their staff to ensure a smooth conversion.

Please note that the Court’s home page includes resources for both ERS and CM/ECF and they are different filing systems. The Court currently uses ERS only and CM/ECF information is provided as a training tool in preparation for the transition to CM/ECF next year. An interactive training program “ECF 101" is currently available under the CM/ECF drop-down menu. The program is designed to familiarize attorneys and staff with CM/ECF. Additional training materials will be posted in the fall.

Publication Date: 
August 25, 2004