Please see today's press release from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts concerning judiciary operations.
If there is a lapse in appropriations after January 25, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Minnesota will likely be operating with reduced staff focused on processing filings that directly affect the protection of human life and property, as required by the Anti-Deficiency Act. The court is still in the process of determining which activities can and cannot be performed during a shutdown, and will provide ongoing guidance as these determinations are made.
We anticipate that, during any shutdown:
* CM/ECF will remain operational;
* The BNC will continue to process and send notices in the ordinary course; and
* PACER will remain operational and the PACER Service Center will provide ongoing support services.
In the coming days, we plan to set up an email box to which you can direct questions, concerns or comments about the shutdown. We will send out the email address with any additional updates as these become available.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.