August 15, 2023
The Judicial Conference Advisory Committees on Appellate, Bankruptcy, and Civil Rules published proposed amendments to their respective rules and forms. The proposed amendments are open for public comment through February 16, 2024. The announcement and the text of the proposed amendments and supporting material are posted on the Judiciary’s website page, Proposed Amendments Published for Public Comment.
The rules and forms with proposed amendments are:
- Appellate Rules 6 and 39;
- Bankruptcy Rules 3002.1 and 8006;
- Official Bankruptcy Forms 410, 410C13-M1, 410C13-M1R, 410C13-N, 410C13-NR, 410C13-M2, and 410C13-M2R; and
- Civil Rules 16, 26, and new Rule 16.1.
Publication Date:
August 15, 2023