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I signed up for DeBN and I'm still receiving documents through the mail. Does this mean my DeBN account isn't working or was deactivated?


Not necessarily.  It depends on the types of documents you're receiving by mail:

If you're receiving orders and court-created notices through the mail, this could mean the order or notice was entered before your DeBN account was activated, or it could mean your DeBN account was deactivated due to an email delivery failure.  Please contact the clerk's office for assistance.

You should receive motions, notices and other documents from the trustee, other parties, or their attorneys through the U.S. mail.   Once your DeBN account is activated, only court orders and court-created notices can be sent to you by email.  Other parties to your bankruptcy case must continue to serve you by U.S. mail, delivery or personal service, and should NOT serve you by email.