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How do I obtain a hearing date?



To obtain a hearing date, contact the judge's courtroom deputy by email or phone.  For contact information for each judge, cilink on the Judge's tab: Chief Judge Katherine A. Constantine, Judge Kesha L. TanabeJudge Michael E. Ridgway, and Judge William J. Fisher.


Once the courtroom deputy has provided a hearing date and time, that date and time will appear in a drop-down box in CM/ECF when the motion is electronically filed.  The drop-down box will indicate that the hearing date and time have been reserved for the requesting attorney.  


Attorneys and other parties do not need to contact the courtroom deputy to obtain a hearing date for chapter 13 confirmation, motions to value or any self-calendared motions.  When filing documents related to these matters, a drop-down box listing available hearing dates and a description of the type of matter that can be set for each date will display in CM/ECF . Once the filer selects a hearing date from the drop-down list, the information will populate to the judge's court calendar automatically.  Note that not all judges allow self-calendaring. 


A list of chapter 13 confirmation hearing dates can be found in CM/ECF under Bankruptcy Information Ch 13 Confirmation Dates