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How do I convert a PDF/A document to PDF?



  1. When first opening a PDF/A document,  a blue banner will appear at the top of the screen, stating that the document is in PDF/A mode.
  2. Next, select the “Advanced” tab at the top of your screen, to drop down list of options.
  3. Select the last option in the drop down menu, “Preflight…
  4. Select the grey triangle/arrow on the left side of the screen pointing to “PDF/A compliance.” A new list will emerge. Double click on Remove PDF/A information.
  5. A new  “save-as” box will be prompted. Save the document.
  6. A final box will be promped. Print the report or simply close the box. The green check indicates that all the inforamtion in the PDF/A successfully transferred to a PDF document.